The Anti-Soros SoS Project Candidate-Damon Dunn

By now you’ve no doubt heard of the George Soros funded Secretary of State Project, established as a backlash against a leftist-perceived “engineered loss” of the Algore candidacy in 2000. The left as part of its blame assignment included Katherine Harris, then the Florida Secretary of State who after endless delays (see Algore, Cheat) declared G. W. Bush the winner.

The light bulbs came on; the left got organized to take every state Secretary of State seat they could possibly take in order to “protect the election”. They with the funding help of George Soros founded the Secretary of State Project, which;

According to the founders of the Secretary of State Project include movie actor Rob Reiner, Norman Lear, Drummond Pike (founder and president of the TIDES Foundation) and SEIU.

Today in California, Soros I’m sure is proud of his choice for Secretary of State, Debra Bowen. Her picture even graces the SoS Project website, along with an appeal for donations via a handy-dandy “Act Blue” donation panel where you can donate to one, or all of their candidates.

The dude is serious, he wants every Secretary of State seat in the country, and it isn’t to “preserve free elections”.

Its insurance for them; a last-ditch way to steal the really close ones. Think Franken.

Well, in California there is a candidate for the Bowens/Soros seat, and his name is Damon Dunn.

Damon Dunn seems to be a recent convert to the GOP who voted for the first time in May 2009. This if you recall in California was the Big Tax Hike Proposition ballot that we worked so hard to defeat. And defeat it we did, by reaching out to people who perhaps never thought their vote mattered or counted.

Asked why he’d never voted before, Dunn replied;

“There’s no excuse, no justification,” Dunn said in an interview with The Chronicle. The self-described multimillionaire real estate developer from Orange County said he grew up in dire poverty in a rural Texas trailer park, the son of a 16-year-old single mother – and “no one in my family voted.”

“I was not involved in the process,” he said. “I have seen how my errors have cost me.”

A lot of people are seeing those errors multiplied today. Seems to me the best way to make up for lost time is to get involved, and that’s what Damon Dunn has done.

He was born in Ft. Worth, Texas in 1976, to a single mother. From that beginning he rose up to eventually play football at Stanford, and even ended up in the NFL for a time starting in Jacksonville and ending up in Dallas.

Dunn is a businessman today from Irvine in the OC (Orange County, California) where great conservative candidates seem to be bubbling up lately (see Chuck DeVore).

His platform is ambitious; aiming toward 100% voter registration, Fair and Open elections “The California Secretary of State is responsible for assuring fair and open elections.   We need to make it easy to vote and impossible to cheat.” Also jobs;

The Secretary of State is responsible for all the business filings in California.  As Secretary of State, I will use my business experience to evaluate which companies are leaving the state and why. I will then report my findings to the Legislature as part of a package of reforms that will lead to job growth in California.

Okay, there are two candidates from the GOP side heading into the June primary, but the other is a joke, kind of like writing “Mickey Mouse” on the ballot, or more appropriately scrawling “REDRUM” on a mirror in the bathroom.

The other GOP candidate is Orly Taitz.

Get it out of your system, and then we’ll continue.


Yes it’s that Orly Taitz. And of course she’s filed charges against Damon Dunn, the real GOP candidate I’ve been telling you about.

After spending a few weeks squawking about
Damon Dunn, the Irvine Republican running against Orly Taitz for the California Secretary of State nomination, Taitz has taken her campaign for elected office to its next logical phase by filing a “criminal” complaint against Dunn.

She posted the complaint on her website (caution: possible malware infection at that link) and filed it with the Orange County Registrar of Voters.

It is, in the words of Registrar Neal Kelley, “lengthy.”

After the “fringe” element is dealt with in June, the real test will be in November and in the process leading up to that vote. The Soros machine may feel comfortable that their seat is safe, but I doubt anything will be taken for granted by either side this year.

The Secretary of State job isn’t one many consider a high value target, or a glamour position, but if Soros and his bunch think so, you’d better believe it is.

Follow Damon Dunn on Twitter, and “book him to your face” on Facebook.


About Erick Brockway

Living in Camarillo, CA, about 45 miles North of LA. I have a son, and two daughters. Working two jobs (welcome to California life), plus a (now retired) reservist in the US Navy Seabees so life is busy!
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