Still MORE NRA pondering endorsement of Harry Reid

Better “ponder” real hard on this one, folks

The NRA in thinking about backing Harry Reid in November over his GOP opponent Sharron Angle is worried more along the lines of who the next Senate Majority Leader will be;

“The Second Amendment and the National Rifle Association are always one bad incident away from politicians like Chuck Schumer and Dick Durbin exploiting their agenda of gun control,” said Andrew Arulanandam, an NRA spokesman.

What the NRA is failing to consider here is the Second Amendment is also one bad Supreme Court confirmation away from losing the whole thing. One DISCLOSE Act away from being muzzled (and not the “shootey kind”) just before an election. One bad Attorney General pick.

Hey, does it seem like the NRA has been on the wrong side of nearly everything since Obama was elected?

Well, a note about the NRA’s decision timing;

The NRA says it won’t make an endorsement — if it does make an endorsement — until the fall, when it can better judge the full results of the legislative season. This means an endorsement would come closer to the November election, when it would have greater impact.

In other words, when they do finally decide “Harry in-Harry out”, it’ll be too late for either side to do anything about it; and I’m betting the side that has to worry is the more Conservative one.

I’m seeing the NRA is more into “bartering” these days, trading pork for a park, wonder how they’ll feel about trading their members for nothing but Harry Reid’s probably empty promises? There’s no way President Obama won’t be finding a crisis in the future that will justify more restrictive gun laws, and no way Reid won’t Bend Over for Barry.

In trading members, I’m talking about the NRA isn’t the only group in town anymore;

Gun Owners of America

Second Amendment Foundation

Armed Females of America

Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership

Liberty Belles

Second Amendment Sisters

More linked here.


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About Erick Brockway

Living in Camarillo, CA, about 45 miles North of LA. I have a son, and two daughters. Working two jobs (welcome to California life), plus a (now retired) reservist in the US Navy Seabees so life is busy!
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1 Response to Still MORE NRA pondering endorsement of Harry Reid

  1. Competition is a good thing . . .

    Thanks God for grassroots folks waking up to the national groups who are collecting money to empower incumbents at the expense of their own proclaimed issue. Sadly this seems to be the rule more than the exception these days. Unless you know the leadership and their endorsement criteria well, it is best to keep contributions local and self directed. Winning is on the margins and the professionals know how to use our buzzwords and talk in circles too.


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